Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010

Economic crisis or climate change?

What is more important?
To manage the economic crisis or to stop the climate change?
Sometimes I think that we can't wangle both.
For example the car-scrap bonus.
What should it does?
Long-dated probably nothing.
That's all well and good, now many people have decided to buy a car, but now they don't need a new car for five or ten years and the car industry can close.
At the doors are posters with the content:
Close till 2019!
Maybe we should have do something against the climate change.
For the money we could have fit the filling stations with "filling pumps" for electric cars.
That would have been a good idea!
Or we could have tell the car industry to handle the development of electric cars.
Then they would have to do something, too!
Now there should be some ideas told and realized.
Perhaps not all is lost!
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Klimawandel, wen interessiert es?

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